How to Make a Side Table With Ceramic Tiles on Top

18 Jan

How to Make a Side Table With Ceramic Tiles on Top

A mosaic-tiled side table for a fireplace or fireplace is usable artwork whenever you make a one-of-a-kind tabletop from handmade or hand-laid ceramic pieces. Clear the old damaged or broken top from a metal table base with a framework which surrounds an inlaid top as the easiest approach to a good, sturdy table. The framework retains the work in position and determines the depth of your wood and tile foundation. Match the tile colours and overall design to the decor of this patio or room — a giant sunflower against a turquoise sky to your outdoor patio, a brown and black chevron to your safari-style den.

Wash out any old glass, wood or remaining material in the metallic table top you intend to tile. Cut a piece of thin, pressure-treated plywood to fit exactly into the camel’s framework. Determine the plywood depth according to the depth of the framework to hold the table top, leaving room for your tile and grout. Glue or screw the plywood backing to the framework.

Cut a piece of cardboard the exact magnitude of the plywood and set it on a flat surface close to the table base. Pull your routine — or stencil it — about the cardboard.

Place large tiles or pieces of tile to be broken inside the bend of a canvas dropcloth, and split them using a rubber mallet. The rubber mallet is far better than a hammer because you don’t want to pulverize the tile. The canvas cloth will maintain the fragmented tile without ripping and prevent tile shards from flying.

Arrange the tile bits on the cardboard to make your tabletop layout. Use tile nippers to trim any ragged pieces of tile or cut on a tile fragment to match the layout.

Spread a thin layer of tile adhesive on part of this plywood financing, and move the tiles from the cardboard to your table to create the mosaic top. Work in small areas at a time so that the adhesive does not dry faster than you can tile. If your pattern is dependent upon a central figure, start in the center of the plan. Allow the tile dry in position overnight.

Fill the spaces between the tiles with grout, using a floating trowel. Light or dark grout which contrasts with your layout will highlight the mosaic. Tint a light grout for a custom color. Wipe the surface of the tile with a moist — not moist — cloth or wax prior to the grout dries. Allow the grout set overnight.

Protect your art table with a transparent sealer — this will prevent spilled drinks and standard dirt in staining the esophagus and also keep the tile bits unscratched.