Can I Use Murphy Soap to Clean My Wood Bamboo Floors?

27 Dec

Can I Use Murphy Soap to Clean My Wood Bamboo Floors?

Bamboo floorboards are basically identical to hardwood floors when it comes to cleaning, and Murphy’s Oil Soap is marketed as a hardwood floor cleaner. The principal component of Murphy’s Soap is vegetable oil, though, which leaves a residue that clouds the finish and also can complicate restoration attempts. Your very best bet is to find a better cleaning solution.

Issues with Oil Soap

After cleaning a bamboo or hardwood floor with Murphy’s Oil Soap, you may observe a small haze. This haze will eventually streak, and it becomes more evident with each new application of the item. Even though the danger isn’t as intense as it is with hardwood, oil soap can also cause bamboo to swell whether it seeps into the joints between the planks. Some hardwood manufacturers expressly contraindicate using oil soap because of this.

Removing Oil Soap

Oil soap progressively dulls the finish on bamboo flooring, and eventually you are going to want to renew the shine. The best method to wash it off would be to clean the floor with a combination of vinegar and warm water. You might find, however, that the soap has reacted with the finish. If so, the only choice would be to remove the finish using a sanding screen, but even then, the soap can cause difficulties by gumming up the screen. In the end, sanding and refinishing may be your only alternative.

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