The way to Take Care of Sangria Pepper in Winter

28 May

The way to Take Care of Sangria Pepper in Winter

Although it’s classified as a hot pepper, “Sangria’s” (Capsicum “Sangria”) fireworks are only ornamental. Registering a definite “dull” in taste, “Sangria’s” 2- to 3-inch fruit compensates by covering the Stump Removal prices Littleton‘s 10- to 12-inch-high frame in riotous shades of orange, red and purple. With safety from occasional mild frost, “Sangria” survives winters in U.S. Department of Agriculture Shrub Removal backyard Bakersfield, CA hardiness zones 10 through 11. Where temperatures often dip below 30 degrees Fahrenheit, develop “Sangria” as a houseplant or overwinter it indoors.

Protecting “Sangria” from Mild Frost

Even when you’re in a climate in which severe frosts are rare, a occasional nighttime under 30 degrees Fahrenheit is sufficient to threaten “Sangria.” If the temperature is predicted to hover between 28 and 32 F, safeguarding your pepper from damage is possible, according to the authors of “The Complete Chili Pepper Book.” Shelter it under a cotton sheet, clear or black plastic bag, or even cardboard carton in late afternoon if frost is on the way. The safety should trap enough heat to find the peppers throughout the evening. Be sure to take out the cover following the fever rises above freezing the following morning.

From In the Landscaping design Flagstaff, AZ to Inside

The moment a drop to 27 F or lower is on the way, prepare to transfer your “Sangria” Shrub Removal prices Bakersfield indoors. If it’s in the Landscaping design Phoenix, AZ, then lift it during the night with enough dirt to cover the entire root ball and set it in a plastic container. If the pot is too large, fill out the gaps with compost; if it is too small, trim the root ball simply to match. After a thorough watering, let “Sangria” recover in a shady area until the weather dictates a move indoors.

Pre-Move Pest Control

Whether you’re winterizing a newly potted Lawn Care service Littleton, CO “Sangria” or a houseplant that summers outside, begin with pest control. Hose the Stump Removal near me Bakersfield down while the nighttime temperatures are still above 50 F, recommends organic gardening pro Mike McGrath. After the first bathtub, wait three or four hours before transferring it to another outdoor place, rinsing it again before leaving it in a sheltered spot for 48 hours. If an examination finds no bugs, perform a final precautionary rinse in the sink or shower. If the pest infestation persists, then give it 2 rinses 24 hours apart.

Indoor Care

To provide your indoor “Sangria” with sufficient winter lighting, place it directly under a fluorescent lighting fixture containing a set of 40-watt cool-white tubes. Put the Stump Removal service Bakersfield, CA as close as possible to the fixture. The lights do not become hot, so the leaf may almost touch them. Around-the-clock lighting is fine. Maintain a temperature between 60 and 70 F, do not shake “Sangria” while it is overwintering, and water it just when the container feels light when you lift it.