Month: February 2020

20 Feb

Does Closing the Floor Vents Damage a Heating System?

By shutting off the heating vents which warm rooms people attempt to save money. Even though the concept sounds plausible, study performed by the U.S. Department of Energy shows that shutting some of the vents in your home actually reduces the efficiency of heat and cooling methods. The study further shows that closing greater than […]
18 Feb

Closed Cell Vs. Open Cell Foam Insulation in Attics

Provided that they’re properly installed, both closed cell and open cell foam insulation act as an effective air barrier in your attic. They all have attributes that may make one more preferable than another. The decision typically comes down to factors like budget, moisture permeability and insulating value. The Simple Difference To be tagged as […]
14 Feb

Is Lady's Thumb Edible?

In regards to foraging for edibles, lady’s thumb (Polygonum persicaria) is one of the most easy to recognize plants, which makes it particularly suitable for the beginner gatherer. The thumbprint mark on the leaf of lady’s thumb is really the perfect way to differentiate it from plants similar in appearance. In the center of each […]
10 Feb

How Long Should a Lawnmower Last?

Since a lawnmower is not a small investment, most homeowners want to ensure they locate a lawnmower that lasts quite a very long time. The average life of a lawnmower depends on many facets, including its manufacturer, size and usage. Even though the manufacturer’s warranty provides an average life expectancy, a lawnmower may last longer […]
3 Feb

The finest Container Tomato Plants

Home gardeners may turn to container growing due to limited space, inferior quality soil, problems with certain insects or local climate conditions. Fortunately for tomato growers, America’s most common garden vegetable is well suited for containers due to the plant’s manageable size and higher yield. In particular, determinate, paste, dwarf and some cherry varieties are […]